If the purpose of the podcast and this site is to serve rather than to be served, is what I might share uplifting?
Is it empowering and a light to other people?
Is there a faith lesson of value?
Not everything I might share is negative. But lately, what comes most immediately to mind is, simply because of immediate circumstances. To be intentional about focusing on what might be useful for or compassionate to other people, to be careful that there is a reason beyond my own needs or ego for sharing a message, takes energy. If negative circumstances deplete anything, it’s that. And I have worried that, in choosing not to share elements I’m struggling with, I am perhaps not being as open and authentic as I ought to be.
But on my author site, I wrote earlier about advice from trauma recovery coach and clinical hypnotherapist Ronia Fraser. She recommends that people refrain from telling their story until they have done their healing work. That’s not to say you can’t seek support from people like trusted friends or a pastor– she encourages people to do that. Rather, it’s to say that, if you are trying to lead and teach others, you cannot do it from a place of woundedness. You must be patient and get into a space where you are not speaking out of pain, anger, or upset. If you resist the temptation to share while you are still coping or sorting things out, then your message will land better when you finally share it. You will come across as less emotionally driven and more stable and trustworthy to your audience.
It takes me an enormous amount of time these days to dig through my mental mess to find diamonds of value. But with Fraser’s idea in mind, I would rather do that than share concepts before they are whole and mature enough to make a difference. To be selective in what I offer is not a lack of authenticity, but rather a long-term, big-picture defense of it.
Waiting admittedly isn’t completely comfortable. But as Solomon knew, there is a season for everything. The chick leaves the shell when it is strong enough, and there is solace in solace knowing that that time is coming. Until it does, I pray that we might strive for patience with one another, and that what I can share to help you is enough.