When you log on to any social media platform these days, you’ll see that everybody’s putting up posts. Feeds are a churning batter of paragraphs, videos, images, audiograms, and slides. Everything is a constant barrage of lessons, experiences, insights, and the occasional photos of someone’s dog or lunch. Except it isn’t. The trend of hiring…
Feel Surrounded by Trouble? Here’s What to Do
A couple of weeks ago, I was walking my dog on the loop that goes near our complex. Nestled behind the complex next to mine is a low wooded area that holds a tiny man-made pond. Residents of my neighbor complex can look out and see all this nature instead of the road that’s behind…
When You Have to Fight, Focus on This Why
Anybody who knows me knows I’m not a big person. I top out at 4’8″. (OK, if I’m being COMPLETELY honest, it’s more like 4’7″, according to my doctor’s height tools. But shhhh.) There are more footstools in my house than I’d like to admit. So, I know a little something about not feeling big…
The Difference Between a Hypocrite and Someone Who Needs a Hand
Recently, as part of my attempt to reoriented my career path toward a lighter workload, I completed a values assessment with a coach I’d hired. The assessment asked me to rank specific values on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being very important) and then rank how I lived or took action toward those…
Where Does Qualification Come From?
Relatively recently, I put up a request for feedback on a Christian manuscript I’d written. I value the insights of others and want to be careful that I’ve interpreted the Word properly. I received a note back from one of my beta readers indicating that they would have liked to see credentials that proved adequate…
The War Between the Gifts of God and the Treasures of the World
Other creators intrigue me. I like to know what enabled them to succeed or what they overcame to make their work. I’m fascinated by the humanness of their stories. Yet, I’m a writer who has specialized in business content and works as a freelance sole proprietor. So, I also can’t help but pay attention to…
Do You Truly Surrender All to Jesus?
Yesterday, I had the privilege of hearing Priscilla Shirer preach a full sermon online at Life Church. In a message about full surrender to Jesus, she related how she’d stayed a luxurious, 20,000-square-feet home. The hostess meant to be gracious. But she had a habit of politely telling Shirer and the other guests what they…
The Cumulative Cost of Little Frustrations
This morning, I had to go into my local school with my son. He’s enrolled in summer school to catch up on some work he had to miss during the last trimester. It was the culmination of a chain of many little frustrations. For one reason or another, the right hand of school staff didn’t…