As a content creator, I tend to flit from task to task on my computer, squeezing whatever I can into whatever blocks of time make sense. But to make it all work, I have to keep a lot of tabs open on my Opera browser.
Like, a lot.
As in, 110+.
That’s a heck-a lot of tabs.
I have to follow the tech best practice of restarting the browser relatively frequently, and the hum of my laptop fan is constant white noise. Even with the workspaces Opera allows me to create to stay organized, I still can get disoriented sometimes. I momentarily lose a sense of where I’m going in the browser and forget for a split second what my task even is as I visually try to process everything.
And of course, it only gets better. Like a lot of other professionals out there, I don’t just have browser tabs to deal with. I have calls. Text pings. My everyday to-do list constantly runs in the background. The number of research studies looking at how long it takes to get attention back after distraction or a loss of focus is only growing.
What God’s always tracking
Understandably, if I find myself in the middle of a browser crash or have something interrupt my train of thought, it’s frustrating. But I also find myself able to keep it all in perspective, too.
Can you imagine all the browser tabs God has open on all of us?
Billions of people, all of whom have multiple mental whirlwinds.
Trillions of subtasks and interwoven spiderwebs of thoughts.
Yet, nothing crashes.
Even if you zoom out to everything going on with every living thing in world, God isn’t overwhelmed.
Even if you zoom out to everything going on in every galaxy in the entire universe, He doesn’t miss or drop the ball on a single thing.
On the one hand, that’s pretty humbling. I can barely keep track of whether I’ve attached the right image to a social media post, and there He is, understanding not just everything in the here and now, but everything that was and will be.
But it’s also an amazing comfort.
Best. Support. EVER.
When I remember how much more God carries than I do, I get the reassurance that it’s not my responsibility to keep track of everything. I’m responsible for understanding and managing just a teeny part, and even then, if things get unstable or slow, He sees it and can intervene to His benefit.
As you continue your day, remember the load you really have, not so you can feel like a worm, but so you can have some relief from the worry and anxiety that can come from trying to track too much. God’s bigger than than 110+ tabs, and He’ll always on call for support.